Wednesday, August 10, 2011

are you losing me?

Journeys. It's all this life is about I think. Adventures, they're the sweet spots of it all. I've been thinking a lot about all of this lately. My own adventure, turned journey to Los Angeles and those of the ones I love, too. Turning points. They're so good.
JJ began to set out on his. A little late, he thought, but I kind of think it's perfect timing. Talking to him about his hopes, fears, excitement as he prepared to leave, I began to go back to mine. I wish I could hop in the car and share his with him, too. So, I made him a really long playlist. The soundtrack to everything. Just scrolled through my songs and found 80 of 'em that were connected to something good. Sometimes listening to certain songs it just sucks you in, right? You just go back. I can smell things or taste them sometimes. I can always picture it. It's amazing. The fact there are 80+ of those (as I'm listening to it myself I keep thinking, "oh, I want to listen to _____ song now.") is pretty incredible and has been quite an experience to just absorb it all. It's kind of humbling in some ways, so nostalgic and very much an emotional roller coaster.
I think I'll continue to add to it as I remember more songs and form attachments to new ones. It will tell such a good story and maybe even a different one to everyone who shares those songs with me.
Here are some of my highlights:

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