Monday, April 2, 2012

check, please.

Wait, y'all, it's April?
The months are flying by so fast it's so hard to wrap my mind around. However, now that we're officially a quarter down in 2012, I can happily say my 2012 check list (although on-going) is getting some check marks rather quickly.
Basically, I decided it was, indeed, time to get shit going and like I've said before I stopped waiting for someone or something to really push me forward, self-propelling (ok, with a little help) is so much more rewarding.
I've made so many small changes it's hard to notice I've made them, but the results are coming in and movement is definitely charted. Growth, y'all, is good. Even with the occasional growing pains.
I was asked to write a short blurb about what I've learned so far this year to follow up with a blog series a wrote at the close of last year and there's been so many lessons learned I don't know how to sum it up in 5 sentences or less. That's a good thing, but being concise has never been a strength of mine.
But, I think the biggest thing I've learned is that I am in control. Saying "yes" takes you places. I haven't regained total ownership of being a badass, although there are some things I've realized I'm pretty badass at. I've allowed myself to be and do all of the things that felt right, some didn't work out, most did and with a pretty healthy ratio. I'm cheap as hell and even though I won't even consider paying for things like cable or Internet, that allows me to buy houses, cars and weekend trips to Vegas. I'm still single, but I'm dipping my toe in the pool from time to time, the water's getting warmer, I'll cannon ball into that bitch soon enough. I don't unravel at minor setbacks, I figure it out, move on.
It just all kind of feels like I'm catching my breath after holding it for so, so long.
So I'll be using these April showers to my advantage. Wash as much of it away as you can, please. I got the rest.

1 comment:

  1. i wish you would write a full article for julie's thing if that's what it's for...i would love to read it!
