Saturday, February 11, 2012

28 days.

You know, it really is amazing when people who care about you really believe in you. So much so that they entertain your thoughts and ideas and at least pretend to believe that it really is possible just to keep that fire burning a little brighter a little longer.
That's the really good kind of enabling.
I had a moment of crazy yesterday (I mean, at least one) and when I called a friend freaking out saying, "ok, it's official, I think I'm losing it" she said so
bluntly, "no, really you're not" that I thought for a second "maybe she's a little crazy too then if she doesn't think I'M crazy."
I have gone a little crazy. But, what's the harm in thinking the universe is telling you something every now and then? The thing is, it really is pretty small and as much as time seems to go faster, the world seems smaller. And with that, if you allow it, things can seem more possible.
Anyway, I made a promise to myself that i would write here every day and if you haven't noticed, I have. Granted we're 11 days in and it IS the shortest month of the year (that wasn't intentional, promise). But, it's working for me. I'm getting really inspired in a lot of different ways and even woke up the other day with one of the best ideas I've had in years and, wait for it, did something about it. So this could be longer than just a 28 day stay at writing rehab. And, I'm almost done with Glee so I promise you, I'll keep future mentions to a minimum. Also, I'm going to Vegas with my two best gals. Gonna let them long locks down and have some fun in as much of a carefree manner as I can muster.

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