Monday, February 27, 2012


To sum up our trip:
Bethany wins.
Lindley spends.
Jess sins. (not really, y'all. I was a good girl, it just rhymes.)

My feet barely fit in my shoes. But, we came, we saw, we conquered.
Lin left at 4 am this morning and it was so sad to wake up a few hours later without her. It was too much fun and too good to spend amazing time together with GENUINE friends.
I'm done with Vegas, but not ready to be done with the trip.
Last night we had an extremely luxury dinner and I just kind of sat back sipping on my cocktail and this wave of total contentment came over me.
You know, this life can be hard, but it is so worth it when you share the best parts with incredible people. You know, the ones that know you sometimes better than you know yourself. The ones that don't hate you when you're really pinched and whining to go cause you're tired of watching them win on the slots and you never do. (except for sex and the city slot machines. My one and only big win.)
And, more importantly the ones that will still be there at the worst of times.
Friendships take work. They're a commitment and an investment, but it never feels that way unless it's not a real one.
I feel like I invest a lot in the people I choose in my life. I walk around the big ol' casino until one calls my name. I'll put a few dollars in first to see if it'll hit for me, if not I walk away. If I start winning, I'm going to put more in and that's when you really win. Keep placing bets and sometimes, you're disappointed, others you'll hit a bonus round and relish in the pay out. That's why you come here in the first place.
While I didn't really win much on this trip, I hit Mr. Big (SATC jackpot, btw) in the rest of it. I'll keep playing the game with these ladies and it'll never get old. I won't whine about it either, I promise.

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